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International Guild of Musicians in Dance








Individuals who, through their teaching or professional activity, may both derive benefit from the Guild and contribute to its stated goals will be accorded membership upon completion of the application process and the payment of the annual dues.


There are two categories of membership. Musicians active in the field of dance may become regular members, who are eligible to participate in all aspects of the Guild and to vote in the ongoing business of the Guild. All others will be affiliate members, who are non-voting and eligible for the newsletter and journal, and for the annual conference subject to space availability.






Section 1. Annual dues for all members are payable upon application for membership, and thereafter on January 1.


Section 2. The fiscal year of the Guild will be from January 1 of one year through December 31 of the same year. Membership dues received by that year's end entitle the member to all newsletters and journals published that year.






Section 1. Officers.  The officers will be a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Each is elected to a two-year term, with the  possibility of no more than two consecutive terms.


Section 2. Duties of Officers.


A. President.  The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Guild, shall have the power to appoint committees not  otherwise provided for by the Constitution and Bylaws, and shall preside at all general meetings of the Guild. The  President shall be an ex-officio member of all Standing Committees and along with the Vice President shall conduct  promotion and publicity work and handle inquiries about the Guild.


B. Vice President.  The Vice President shall assume the office and duties of the President for any period during which the President is  temporarily unable to fulfill the functions of his/her office and along with the President conduct promotion and  publicity work and handle inquiries about the Guild.


C. Secretary.     The Secretary shall take the minutes of the annual meeting of the Guild and be responsible for the production and  mailing of the newsletters and official correspondence to the membership.


D. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be responsible for membership application and dues and proper stewardship of the funds of the  Guild. Funds are supplied to the Editor, Secretary and Conference Chair. The Treasurer shall present an annual report  to the membership based on the past fiscal year. 


Section 3. Steering Committee.  The Steering Committee shall consist of the four elected officers and the chairs of the standing committees and shall  have the responsibility of fostering the mission of the Guild. The Steering Committee shall:


1. exercise the executive functions of the Guild;

2. establish and approve the guidelines for membership;

3. establish dues;

4 monitor the effectiveness of the Constitution and the Bylaws, and approve procedures for their revision as appropriate;

5. ascertain and implement the needs of the membership, recognizing the diversity as well as the common objectives of all members;

6. fix the time and place of the annual meeting, act on proposals presented by committees, and fill vacancies among the Officers and the  SteeringCommittee, with the exception of the office of President, which shall be filled by the Vice President;

7. establish the overall direction of the journal;

8. establish the general theme and scope of the annual conference.


Section 4. Committee Chairs.  The Conference Committee Chair shall be responsible for the preparation and presentation of all matters concerning  the annual conference.


The Editor shall be responsible for the publication of the Guild Journal and shall set up an editorial review board for selection of articles for publication.